Saturday, 14 June 2014

Protect America Reviews From Customers

Protect America reviews from their customers covers the equipment, and the service plan this home security company provides.
The Equipment Package that Protect America Reviews from customers Concerns
One control panel that will be strategically placed to make it easy to enter your code when you are leaving, or when you are disconnecting the alarm.
Sensors for three doors or three windows. The sensors can be mixed and matched, and you can opt to get more than three sensors, but that will increase the amount of money you pay for your monthly services.
One motion sensor
Three security stickers that you can place on windows around the house so that everyone can see that you are protected. One security sign to let everyone know you are protected.

Protect America Reviews from customers on the Monitoring Costs
This company charges forty one dollars and ninety nine cents a month for their basic cellular monitoring.  The basic cellular monitoring covers the equipment package that is copper. If you have the equipment package that is bronze you will pay forty seven dollars and ninety nine cents per month for basic coverage. If you want to add fire monitoring to your package, or CO monitoring you can add two dollars per month to cover each of these items, so if you want both types of monitoring the costs is an additional four dollars per month.

Protect America Reviews from customers on the Advantages of the system
This company is Better Business Bureau accredited, which means they are a part of the Better Business Bureau family. They pay a small yearly fee to be accredited and to have the Better Business Bureau suggests their services to people who ask.
They offer a price match guarantee so they can be sure to remain competitively priced with the prices of the other companies within a specified distance of their offices. They do not charge anything for the equipment that a homeowner will need to install to use their monitoring services.

Protect America Reviews from customers on the features of the system
This is a wireless security system that offers the homeowner the opportunity to do the installation for themselves. This saves you money because you do not have to hire someone to put the components in place. The easy to read instructions allows for people who have no experience with security systems to install everything they need to get theirs operational. It takes very few tools to assemble the components and place them in the areas they need to be.

Protect America reviews from customers on the different services available
According to Protect America Reviews from customers you will have three different types of service that you can get from this home security company. You can get broadband service, landline services, and cellular services. The price that you pay for monitoring each month will be based on the type of service you choose. You may have the option to combine services and get more than one type inside your home. You could have a landline service and a cellular service combined so that you always had service and control no matter what the weather conditions were.